War and Peace
Assemblages, 2022

The Dove of Peace in 2022…

War and Peace
War and Peace
Assemblage, July 2022
Assemblage-ensign created for the peace demonstrations in support of Ukraine, Paris, March 2022.
Photos: JG and Jason Karaïndros

Enchained to a hand grenade, ready to explose at the slightest move.
Or impaled, carried on a spike.
An illusion? A decoy? A trophy? The chronicle of a death foretold?
Will it resurrect ?

The Dove is also shown at Artist Banners at St.-Gengoux-le-National, Burgundy, Summer 2022, open air exhibition on the initiative of Anne and Max Lanci.
War and Peace ist shown in 2023 in the evolutive exhibition Zukunftswerkstatt Frieden (Workshop about the Future of Peace), at the Kunst-Quartier Osnabrück, on the occasion of the 375 years of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia, at the invitation of Jens Raddatz, and at the exhibition Legt die Waffen nieder auf... at the Rathausgalerie Steyr, Austria, curator Johannes Angerbauer.

The Cuckoo's Egg
The Cuckoo’s Egg
Assemblage, chicken eggs and Fabergé egg, August 2022.

The Cuckoo’s Egg, or King Midas, or The Hen That Laid the Golden Eggs, or The Last Supper...

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#Actions #Public Space #Icons #Politics #Memento mori #Paradise Lost #Trompe-l’œil #Objects, assemblages