L’État, c’est nous - The State Is Us

Intervention in a secondary school, 2017

Project with secondary school pupils of the collège Jean-Perrin, Vitry, accompanied by the art teacher François Miquet, and Irène Burkel and Pauline Cortinovis of the MAC VAL visitors department; supported by the Créteil Rectorat, as part of the classes à PAC programme.
Presented at the exhibition MIROIR 2 at the municipal gallery Jean-Collet, 59 av. Guy-Môquet, 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine, from June 10 till 24, 2017, on the invitation of the Vitry municipal art school EMA.

At the base of this work with the MAC VAL, Maria Theodora, a work by the artist belonging to the museum collection, the temporary exhibition Tous, des sang-mêlés and a question : How do we represent ourselves and others, and how do we project ourselves into others ? It takes a particular form in the present electoral context, questioning our representations of power.

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