the bauhaus heritage / Commented slide shows
Since 2017

Architecture school ENSA Toulouse, February 2019
Architecture school ENSA Toulouse, February 2019
Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris, March 2019, with Jean-Christiophe Arcos
Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris, March 2019, with Jean-Christiophe Arcos
Maison de l'Architecture d'Île-de-France, Paris, September 2019, (…)
Maison de l’Architecture d’Île-de-France, Paris, September 2019, with Marc Bédarida
Hôtel Dupanloup, ÉSAD Orléans, December 2019
Hôtel Dupanloup, ÉSAD Orléans, December 2019
Symposium proceedings, architecture school ENSA Toulouse 2019, released in 2022
Symposium proceedings, architecture school ENSA Toulouse 2019, released in 2022
Argenteuil town hall, October 2022
Argenteuil town hall, October 2022
Argenteuil, October 2022, photo Valérie Police
Argenteuil, October 2022, photo Valérie Police
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, 10/19/2022
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, 10/19/2022
CÉPIA seminar, ENSA Bourges, June 2023, photo Laure Tixier
PIA seminar, ENSA Bourges, June 2023, photo Laure Tixier
Works by Oskar Schlemmer, Corona Krause and Lis Beyer-Volger, Bauhaus Dessau (…)
Works by Oskar Schlemmer, Corona Krause and Lis Beyer-Volger, Bauhaus Dessau 2016, exhibition Große Pläne!
Cornice and forestay, ENSA Bourges, June 2023
Cornice and forestay, ENSA Bourges, June 2023

First presentation of my research in form of a commented and narrated slide-show, on August 9, 2017 at the Meisterhaus Muche, Bauhaus Dessau, concluding my artist residency.
In 2019, centennial year of the Bauhaus:
Presentation of the research at the architecture school ENSA Toulouse, on February 27, 2019, intervention in the seminar Between Art and Architecture, 100 Years Bauhaus, directed by Andrea Urlberger.
On March 28, 2019, at musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris, together with Jean-Christophe Arcos The Bauhaus Heritage(s) (photos of the presentation: Vincent Victor Jouffe and Dominique Constantin-Weyer).
The project is shown in May 2019 at the architecture school ENSA Paris-La Villette that is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year: exhibition and narrated projection on May 23, in the company of the historian Marc Bédarida, and on September 30, 2019 at the Maison de l’architecture Île-de-France (photos: Jason Karaïndros).
An overview is given at the artist talks of the 7th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art on October 13, 2019, invited by Areti Leopoulou.
The project is shown on December 10, 2019 at the hôtel Dupanloup, in the context of the Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin exhibition at the art school ÉSAD Orléans, invited by Gunther Ludwig (photos: Paul de Lanzac).
Commented slide show on October 14, 2022 at the Argenteuil town hall (partner city of Dessau-Roßlau), on the occasion of a Bauhaus exhibition, with some objects and publications of the “family heritage” (photo of the lecture: Valérie Police), and on June 1st, 2023 at the art school École nationale supérieure d’Art de Bourges within the CÉPIA seminar about alternative pedagogy, with the philosopher Valentin Schaepelynck, at the invitation of Sylvie Chany and Laure Tixier (who also took the photo of the lecture).

→  Musée des Arts et Métiers - podcast
→  ENSA Paris-La Villette - video

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#Performances #Memory #Politics #Paradise Lost #Photography #Memento mori