The Vitruvian Man
Projection, photo series, 2022

In my 2nd year course on Body and Space at the architecture school ENSAPLV, I proposed this year as a reference and common thread the drawing by Leonardo da Vinci The Vitruvian Man.
Inspired by this iconic image, the students raised questions about canons of beauty and norms, natural and constructed environment, identity and gender, communication and power relations.
I invited my students to “enter the picture” and to physically confront themselves with this ideal of the human being, on the scale of 1:1, by embodying it. In this photo shoot in December 2022 participated, in alphabetical order: Clément, Ebru, Éloïse, Étienne, Jakob, Joséphine, Joy, Lorenzo, Lucile, Mathis, Maylis, Mayssa, Merdy, Pierre, Sarra and Thémis.
A set of works of this course has been presented at the ENSAPLV open house on February 4, 2023.

  • The Vitruvian Man at the ENSAPLV open house day, February 4, 2023…
    The Vitruvian Man at the ENSAPLV open house day, February 4, 2023…
  • …with works by Alexandra Sá's students…
    …with works by Alexandra Sá’s students…
  • …and with visitors.
    …and with visitors.

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#Icons #Photography #Performances #Shadows, Projections #Trompe-l’œil #Beneath the Surface #Collaborations #Who’s Who ?