Santa Klan or K K Klaus or Santa Claus Is a Stinker or ...? Victim or executioner ...?
The newest creation of Maison Gautel. Handmade, produced in France !
Reinterpreted Santa Claus hat, created for the exhibition L’Étrange Noël à la Fabrique, La Petite Fabrique d’Art, Paris, December 2018. During the exhibition, the basement was transformed into a “sweatshop”.
The hood has been shown again at the art space Immanence, Paris, in the exhibition Christmas Project.
The Xmas Hood at the art space Immanence, Paris, in the exhibition Christmas Project, 2018
Photo: Jeanne Susplugas
Different applications of the Xmas Hood:
In Winter 2020 during the coronavirus crisis, the Xmas Hood is still up to date.
The photos are by Sarra Ben Gara, Alain Bernardini, Christine Coënon, JG, Jean-Michel Jagot, Benoît Manent, Virginia Mastrogiannaki, Jeanne Susplugas, Anne-Marie Toffolo and in particular Jason Karaïndros.
Thanks to Mathias Gautel and Laure Tixier for the different fitting titles!