Xmas Hood
Textile object, performance, 2018-2020

Santa Klan or K K Klaus or Santa Claus Is a Stinker or ...? Victim or executioner ...?
The newest creation of Maison Gautel. Handmade, produced in France !

Reinterpreted Santa Claus hat, created for the exhibition L’Étrange Noël à la Fabrique, La Petite Fabrique d’Art, Paris, December 2018. During the exhibition, the basement was transformed into a “sweatshop”.

The hood has been shown again at the art space Immanence, Paris, in the exhibition Christmas Project.

  • The Xmas Hood at the art space Immanence, Paris, in the exhibition Christmas Project, 2018
    The Xmas Hood at the art space Immanence, Paris, in the exhibition Christmas Project, 2018
  • Photo: Jeanne Susplugas
    Photo: Jeanne Susplugas

Different applications of the Xmas Hood:

In Winter 2020 during the coronavirus crisis, the Xmas Hood is still up to date.

  • Photo: Virginia Mastrogiannaki
    Photo: Virginia Mastrogiannaki

The photos are by Sarra Ben Gara, Alain Bernardini, Christine Coënon, JG, Jean-Michel Jagot, Benoît Manent, Virginia Mastrogiannaki, Jeanne Susplugas, Anne-Marie Toffolo and in particular Jason Karaïndros.
Thanks to Mathias Gautel and Laure Tixier for the different fitting titles!

  • The Magic of Christmas
    The Magic of Christmas
    The Xmas Hood with Sisyphus N° 6/∞, December 2022, photo: Anne-Marie Toffolo
  • Photo: Jean-Michel Jagot, 2023
    Photo: Jean-Michel Jagot, 2023

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