For further information, also about unrealized projects, don’t hesitate to contact me directly: jakob.gautel at
From January 20, 2025 onwards, I won’t be any more on Facebook and on Instagram. You will find me on Mastodon and LinkedIn, on my website, and at the local café.
All images and photos are by Jakob Gautel (unless specified otherwise).
English translation and proofreading: Carmela Uranga, Paris (unless specified otherwise)
→ Carmela Uranga
carmelau at
Graphic design: Didier Lechenne, Bordeaux
→ Didier Lechenne
didier at
Grateful thanks to my family, my teachers, and especially Mrs Tirtohoesodo, Brigitte Scharr, Klaus Rürup and Liese Kraft, to the team and my teachers at the Parisian art school École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, in etching and lithography, and especially to Christian Boltanski, and to all friends, artists, curators, critics, writers, creators, assistants, scientists, participants of all kind, of which there are too many to mention in all, and without whom these works could never have been produced.
The content of this website: © ADAGP / Jakob Gautel 2009-2025
Toute demande de reproduction ou représentation des œuvres présentées sur ce site, hors consultation individuelle et privée, doit faire l’objet d’une autorisation préalable de l’ADAGP.
ADAGP (Société des Auteurs dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques)
11, rue Berryer - 75008 Paris, France - Tél.: 33+ 01 43 59 09 79 - Fax.: 33+ 01 45 63 44 89 – adagp at