
Joyeux Noël !
Merry Christmas! Assemblages, 2011, 2024-2025 Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Tales, Myths / Christmas / Icons / Beneath the Surface / Politics / Photography / Performances 2024
Images Photographs, since 2008 Self-Portraits / Memory / Photography / Reflections / Memento mori / Beneath the Surface / Words / Nature, Plants, Gardens / Silence / Objects, assemblages / Shadows, Projections / Tales, Myths / Collaborations / Internet 2024
Le Cri
The Scream Photo, July 2024 Politics / Icons / Clothes / Self-Portraits / Silence / Photography / Actions / Beneath the Surface / Performances 2024
Memento mori
Memento mori Assemblages, performances, since 2020 Self-Portraits / Memento mori / Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Performances / Photography / Time / Politics 2024
Hors de ses gonds
Out of Joint Assemblage, 2023 Objects, assemblages / Politics / Installations / Paradise Lost / Photography / Tales, Myths / Memento mori 2023
La Condition humaine
The Human Condition Assemblage, demonstration, 2023 Public Space / Politics / Actions / Self-Portraits / Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Memento mori 2023
L'Homme de Vitruve
The Vitruvian Man Projection, photo series, 2022 Icons / Photography / Performances / Shadows, Projections / Trompe-l’œil / Beneath the Surface / Collaborations / Who’s Who ? 2023
Sisyphus Performance, Christmas 2022 Performances / Icons / Memento mori / Politics / Objects, assemblages / Time / Christmas / Paradise Lost / Beneath the Surface / Self-Portraits 2022
Fenêtre sur le passé
Window to the Past Installation, 2022 Installations / Memory / Beneath the Surface / Time / Collaborations / Paradise Lost 2022
Guerre et Paix
War and Peace Assemblages, 2022 Actions / Public Space / Icons / Politics / Memento mori / Paradise Lost / Trompe-l’œil / Objects, assemblages 2022
Breath Performance, video, photograph, 2020/2021 Shadows, Projections / Performances / Silence / Video / Time / Memento mori / Public Space / Photography 2021
Covid & Cie
Covid & Co. Photographs, performances, videos, assemblages, since 2020 Memento mori / Silence / Time / Public Space / Paradise Lost / Photography / Performances / Video / Objects, assemblages 2021
Mère et Père
Mother and Father Photographs, 2019 and 2021 Memento mori / Who’s Who ? / Icons / Paradise Lost / Performances / Photography / Memory 2021
Cagoule de Noël
Xmas Hood Textile object, performance, 2018-2020 Objects, assemblages / Performances / Icons / Paradise Lost / Actions / Who’s Who ? / Politics / Beneath the Surface / Clothes / Christmas / Tales, Myths 2020
Silence = Mort
Silence = Death T-shirt, 2020 Public Space / Actions / Words / Silence / Politics / Clothes / Memento mori 2020
Détecteur d'anges
Angel Detector Interactive light sculpture, collaboration with Jason Karaïndros, since 1992 Public Space / Icons / Collaborations / Silence / Public Collections / Postcards / Performances 2019
Crossover Sculptures, assemblages, since 1986/87 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Paradise Lost / Who’s Who ? / Tales, Myths / Politics / Memento mori 2019
POST- Poster, 2019 Public Space / Actions / Signage / Words / Politics 2019
Donc tu m'aimes totalement ?
Donc tu m’aimes totalement? - So You Love Me Totally? Social media post, 2018 Paradise Lost / Collaborations / Words / Internet / Beneath the Surface 2018
En attendant...
Waiting for... Photograph, 2018 Performances / Icons / Self-Portraits / Photography / Memento mori 2018
Guerre à Troie ?
War in Troy? TV project, 2018 Public Space / Memory / Collaborations / Video / Tales, Myths / Media / Politics 2018
Homme creux
Hollow Man Sculpture, 2018 Objects, assemblages / Self-Portraits / Who’s Who ? / Drawing / Politics / Beneath the Surface / Memento mori 2018
Matière première
Raw Material Performance-video, 1999 Performances / Paradise Lost / Video / Public Collections / Hands / Memento mori 2017
Like Us
Like Us Performance, 2017 Performances / Icons / Paradise Lost / Self-Portraits / Collaborations / Who’s Who ? / Time / Internet / Memento mori 2017
Le pendule de Foucault
Foucault’s Pendulum Installation, 2017 Installations / Memory / Books / Politics 2017
Vase communicant
Communicating Vessel Photograph, 2017 Performances / Self-Portraits / Collaborations / Positive-Negative / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Reflections 2017
Photomontages Photomontages, since 1999 Icons / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Time / Tales, Myths / Politics 2016
Orlando Demonstration, 2016 Public Space / Icons / Paradise Lost / Memory / Books / Actions / Words / Politics 2016
Gloria Interview, 2016 Objects, assemblages / Performances / Memory / Collaborations / Who’s Who ? / Video / X / Media / Politics / Beneath the Surface 2016
Crayon ailé
Winged Pencil Assemblage, demonstration, 2015 Objects, assemblages / Public Space / Paradise Lost / Actions / Drawing / Media / Politics / Censorship, Copyright, Freedom of Expression / Hands 2015
Apparitions Photo installation, 2015 Installations / Objects, assemblages / Photography / Trompe-l’œil / Who’s Who ? / Beneath the Surface / Hands 2015
Auen - Rhein in die Stadt !
Auen - Rhein in die Stadt ! Photo exhibition in public space, a project by Peter and Uta Gautel, 2014-2015 Public Space / Collaborations / Photography / Beneath the Surface / Nature, Plants, Gardens 2015
White Cube
White Cube Installation – scenography, 2014 Installations / Icons / Collaborations / Beneath the Surface 2014
Augenblick Photograph, 2014 Self-Portraits / Photography / X / Time / Reflections / Public Collections / Memento mori 2014
Living Sculpture for Cats - The Cat Is Present
Living Sculpture for Cats - The Cat Is Present Project, 2014 Objects, assemblages / Performances / Icons / Time / Drawing 2014
Dérive des continents
Continental Drift Flyer, 2013 Paradise Lost / Actions / Signage / Words / Politics 2013
Entre !
Entre! - In Between / Come In! Urban intervention, photo and text, 2013 Public Space / Photography / Words / Who’s Who ? / Politics / Postcards / Hands 2013
Héros des Dardanelles
Heroes of the Dardanelles Photo project, 2012 Objects, assemblages / Public Space / Icons / Self-Portraits / Memory / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Politics 2012
50 ans
50 Years Photographs, 1962/2012 Icons / Memory / Collaborations / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Time / Internet / Reflections / Memento mori / Paradise Lost 2012
Big Brother
Big Brother Performance, 2011 Performances / Self-Portraits / Trompe-l’œil / Video / Internet / Reflections / Media / Politics 2011
Epitaphs Epitaph plaques, 2011 Objects, assemblages / Memory / Words / Time / Reflections / Memento mori 2011
Et in Arcadia ego
Et in Arcadia ego Video, 2011 Paradise Lost / Memory / Silence / Video / Tales, Myths / Memento mori 2011
Sens de la visite
Sens de la visite - Direction of the Visit Installation, 1993/2010 Installations / Signage / Words / Trompe-l’œil / Reflections 2010
Scheherazade Video installation (prefiguration), 2010 Installations / Words / Trompe-l’œil / Video / Reflections / Tales, Myths / Media 2010
Omphalos Installation, 2010 Installations / Objects, assemblages / Self-Portraits / Beneath the Surface / Nature, Plants, Gardens / Memento mori 2010
Livre infini n° 4
The Infinite Book No. 4 Memorial book, 2008 Memory / Collaborations / Books / Drawing / Public Collections / Public Commissions, Acquisitions 2008
Personae Slideshow-video, 2008-2010 Performances / Self-Portraits / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Video / Politics / Beneath the Surface / Clothes 2008
Flash Info : Les habits neufs de l'empereur
Breaking News : The Emperor’s New Clothes Video, 2008 Public Space / Collaborations / Trompe-l’œil / Video / X / Media / Politics / Clothes 2008
Passeggiata Video installation, 2008 Installations / Public Space / Trompe-l’œil / Video / Time 2008
Madonna !
Madonna! Photograph, postcard, 2007 Icons / Paradise Lost / Photography / Postcards 2007
Landau Video, 2006 Objects, assemblages / Memory / Books / Video / Politics / Censorship, Copyright, Freedom of Expression / Collaborations 2006
Carpe diem
Carpe diem Inscription, 2005 Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Words / Time 2005
Place du Préfet Claude Erignac
Place du Préfet Claude Erignac Commission of the City of Paris, 2004 Shadows, Projections / Public Space / Memory / Words / Politics / Public Commissions, Acquisitions / Nature, Plants, Gardens 2004
Les mariés
Just Married Installation and photography, 2004 Installations / Icons / Positive-Negative / Photography / Clothes 2004
Flood Installation, 2004 Installations / Paradise Lost / Tales, Myths / Nature, Plants, Gardens 2004
Che Textile work, 2001-2004 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Collaborations / Positive-Negative / Politics / Public Collections / Public Commissions, Acquisitions 2004
Regarde !
Look! Photographs and posters, 2002 and 2004 Public Space / Actions / Signage / Photography / Hands 2004
Vagues à l'âme
Vagues à l’âme - Ebb and Flow Installation, 2004 Installations / Public Space / Paradise Lost / Memory / Words 2004
Je t'aime
I Love You Installation, 1993/2003 Installations / Public Space / Words / Public Commissions, Acquisitions / Paradise Lost 2003
Théâtres d'ombres
Shadow Theatre Video, collaboration with Jason Karaïndros, 2003 Shadows, Projections / Collaborations / Video 2003
De la fragilité
About Fragility Porcelain lithophanes, 2002 Shadows, Projections / Objects, assemblages / Icons / Memory / Collaborations / Public Collections / Public Commissions, Acquisitions 2002
Nightshot Video, 2002 Performances / Video / Hands 2002
Quand nos yeux se touchent
When Our Eyes Meet Dance and video performances, collaborations with Sandra Martinez, since 2000 Shadows, Projections / Performances / Collaborations / Video / Who’s Who ? / Beneath the Surface 2002
Moi je m'ennuie
Moi je m’ennuie Video clip, 2002 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Paradise Lost / Self-Portraits / Words / Video 2002
Cent vues du Mont Fuji
One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji Webcam photographs, collaboration with Eriko Momotani, 2001 Icons / Collaborations / Photography / Time / Internet / Postcards 2001
Scythian Tattoo, 1999-2001 Icons / Self-Portraits / Memory / Collaborations / Who’s Who ? / Drawing / Beneath the Surface / Clothes 2001
Rosa Performance, postcards and video, 2000 Public Space / Performances / Video / Drawing / Postcards 2000
Projection (Vol de nuit)
Projection (Night Flight) Installation, 2000 Shadows, Projections / Installations / Trompe-l’œil / Postcards 2000
Noël voilé
Veiled Christmas Installation, 2000 Installations / Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Positive-Negative / Tales, Myths / Beneath the Surface / Memento mori / Christmas 2000
Lola ou Jeff ?
Lola or Jeff? Interactive internet sound work, 2000 Paradise Lost / X / Internet / Beneath the Surface 2000
Basil Installation, 2000 Installations / Memory / Books / Tales, Myths / Beneath the Surface / Postcards / Nature, Plants, Gardens / Memento mori 2000
La liberté
Freedom Exhibition, performance, 1999 Installations / Performances / Collaborations / Words / Media / Politics 1999
Tapis damier
Draughtboard Carpet Installation, collaboration with Jason Karaïndros, 1999 Installations / Collaborations / Positive-Negative / Signage / Who’s Who ? / Politics 1999
Sous le ciel de Paris
Sous le Ciel de Paris - Under the Parisian Sky Artist’s book, photography, 1999 Public Space / Books / Photography / Beneath the Surface / Public Collections / Postcards / Nature, Plants, Gardens / Self-Portraits 1999
Chemin de lumière
Path of Light Action, 1999 Public Space / Memory / Actions / Politics 1999
Vue prise
View Taken Photography, postcards, 1999 Paradise Lost / Memory / Photography / Postcards 1999
Tirez-vous, poussez-vous
Tirez-vous, poussez-vous - Out of my Way! Stickers, 1999/2006 Objects, assemblages / Public Space / Actions / Signage / Words / Politics 1999
Projection Installation, 1997/98 Shadows, Projections / Installations / Icons 1998
Worlds Apart
Worlds Apart Photo booth pictures, 1998 Icons / Self-Portraits / Photography / Who’s Who ? 1998
La chambre écorchée
The Skinned Room Installation, 1998 Installations / Self-Portraits / Memory / Trompe-l’œil / Beneath the Surface 1998
Dame Holle
Dame Holle Performance, 1998 Public Space / Performances / Trompe-l’œil / Tales, Myths 1998
Artiste dégénéré
Degenerate Artist Action, 1998 Public Space / Memory / Actions / Signage / Words / Politics / Censorship, Copyright, Freedom of Expression 1998
En panne
Out of Order Assemblage, 1997 Objects, assemblages / Self-Portraits / Words / Reflections 1997
Initiative pour la Démocratie Directe
Initiative for Direct Democracy Installation, 1997 Installations / Objects, assemblages / Public Space / Words / Politics 1997
Never look back
Never Look Back Installation, collaboration with Jason Karaïndros, 1996 Installations / Public Space / Collaborations / Signage / Words / Memory / Politics 1996
Rendez-vous !
Rendez-vous! Action, 1996 Public Space / Actions / Signage / Politics / Clothes / Censorship, Copyright, Freedom of Expression 1996
Le sage et le fou
The Sage and the Fool Installation, 1995 Installations / Icons / Memory / Drawing / Politics 1995
Nues - Exposed Retouched photographs, 1991-1994 Icons / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Public Collections 1994
Pleurants de Bourges
Mourners of Bourges Photographs, 1994 Public Space / Memory / Photography / Clothes / Memento mori / Performances / Icons 1994
Noël brûlé
Burnt Christmas Installation, 1994 Installations / Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Tales, Myths / Christmas 1994
Chut !
Chut! - Hush! Installation, 1993 Installations / Public Space / Words / Silence 1993
Photo-Story Reinterpreted postcards, 1993 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Collaborations / Words / Postcards 1993
Le fléau du temps
The Scourge of Time Assemblage, 1993 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Paradise Lost / Time 1993
Pince à Rire
Laughing Aid Object, 1993 Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Drawing / Beneath the Surface 1993
La grande loterie
The Great Lottery Installation, 1992 Installations / Memory / Words / Memento mori 1992
Memento vivendi
Memento vivendi Porcelain medallions, 1992 Objects, assemblages / Memory / Photography / Reflections / Memento mori 1992
Etes-vous heureux ?
Are You Happy? Poll, 1992 Paradise Lost / Actions / Words / Media / Nature, Plants, Gardens 1992
Fürs liebe Kind - Pour l'enfant sage
Fürs liebe Kind - For the Good Child Assemblage, 1992 Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Words / Clothes 1992
Post-antique Collaboration, sculpture assemblage, 1992 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Memory / Collaborations 1992
Face à face
Face to face Installation, 1991 Installations / Public Space / Words / Who’s Who ? / Reflections 1991
Réservé aux sans-abri
Reserved for the Homeless Action, 1991 Public Space / Actions / Signage / Words / Politics / Trompe-l’œil / Beneath the Surface 1991
S'envoyer en l'air
S’envoyer en l’air - To Get Laid/To Take Off Performance, 1991 Performances / X / Beneath the Surface / Paradise Lost / Memento mori 1991
Paradise Installation and photography, 1990 Installations / Paradise Lost / Tales, Myths / Beneath the Surface / Postcards / Censorship, Copyright, Freedom of Expression / Memory / Words 1990
Une petite histoire de l'œuf
The Little Story of an Egg Artist’s book, photography, 1990 Books / Photography / X / Tales, Myths 1990
Carnet de bal
Carnet de bal (The Last Waltz) Artist’s book, photography, 1990 Self-Portraits / Books / Photography / Who’s Who ? / Public Collections / Memento mori 1990
Parlez-moi d'amour
Parlez-moi d’amour - Speak to me of Love Postcard, 1990 Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / Photography / Words / X / Postcards 1990
Exhibitionist Performance, 1990 Objects, assemblages / Performances / Icons / Photography / X / Beneath the Surface / Clothes / Censorship, Copyright, Freedom of Expression 1990
Allegories Artist’s book, lithography, 1989 Books / Words / Drawing / Public Collections / Memento mori 1989
Fragment d'une ronde
Fragment of a Round Dance Artist’s book, lithography, 1989 Books / Drawing / Public Collections 1989
Le fruit défendu
The Forbidden Fruit Picture cubes, 1989 Objects, assemblages / Paradise Lost / X / Tales, Myths / Beneath the Surface 1989
Institut de Beauté
Beauty Institute Installation, 1988 Installations / Objects, assemblages / Words / Trompe-l’œil / Politics / Beneath the Surface 1988
Serviettes en papier
Paper napkins Lithographs on paper napkins, 1988-1990 Objects, assemblages / Words / Drawing / Tales, Myths / Beneath the Surface / Christmas 1988
Papiers peints
Wallpaper Lithography / silk screen on wallpaper, 1986-1990 Objects, assemblages / Icons / Drawing / Beneath the Surface / Public Collections / Postcards / Memento mori / Paradise Lost 1987
Portrait d'un faune
Portrait of a Faun Sculpture, 1986 Objects, assemblages / Who’s Who ? / X / Tales, Myths 1986
Don charitable
Charitable Gift Dry-point and etching, 1985 Paradise Lost / Drawing / Politics / Memento mori 1985
L'Origine de mon monde
The Origin of my World Performance, 1965 Performances / Memory / Collaborations / Who’s Who ? / Time / Tales, Myths 1965